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Category: Water birth

  1. Anna's Homebirth in Greenwich: a positive waterbirth story

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    My beautiful client Anna took the decision to have a home birth for her second baby. In this gorgeous birth story you can read her rationale for her decision and how everything went on the day.

    You can read Anna’s birth story directly on her blog .

     Whether you’re planning a Homebirth or not, you’ll love reading her story!

    Laura xx 

    Do you want a Positive Birth too? 

    My antenatal Hypnobirthing courses are available both in-person and online, and are designed to be a fun and relaxing experience for you and your birth partner - a real highlight of your pregnancy.

    I offer different formats suitable for every budget as it is important that Hypnobirthing is accessible and affordable for everyone.

    Find the perfect class for you: 

    Not sure which course is for you? Sign up to my next FREE Online Mini-Masterclass to start your journey to a glowing pregnancy, a positive birth, and the best possible start to parenthood!


  2. Positive water birth using Hypnobirthing at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Woolwich

    Posted on

    “When it came to the birth the breathing techniques were fundamental in handling the contractions. I used the hypnobirthing tracks and breathing whilst labouring at home and nothing else. When I got to the hospital I was already 6cm!

    Due to being 6cm it closed off pethidine as a pain option due to it lingering in baby’s system (there was a mention of epidural but it wasn’t something I wanted and I was handling things confidently enough to not consider it).

    I had gas and air and a birthing pool (the pool was wonderful at helping the back ache and taking the weight off, plus the warmth was lovely). Keeping the room with low lighting was another element from the course and that all helped too!

    I did struggle a little with some of the contractions but my partner who was on the hypnobirthing course with me got me focused on the breaths and kept counting and brought my mind back. He was so supportive and the course really helped his confidence too as he felt so much better informed.

    It was so amazing when little one arrived in the pool and the midwife floated him upto me. I feel really fortunate we got the birth we did. It had its moments but what we learnt in the hypnobirthing course helped so much I can’t thank Laura enough!

    We are hoping as the weather gets better to catch her on the walk meet ups she organises on Peanut. Following her on insta has also suggested some amazing groups and places for our little one so it really is more than just a course and we are incredibly grateful for all Laura does!”

    Congratulations Lauren on your beautiful new arrival and thank you for sharing your story!




    Do you want a Positive Birth too? 

    My antenatal Hypnobirthing courses are available both in-person and online, and are designed to be a fun and relaxing experience for you and your birth partner - a real highlight of your pregnancy.

    I offer different formats suitable for every budget as it is important that Hypnobirthing is accessible and affordable for everyone.

    Find the perfect class for you: 


    Not sure which course is for you? Sign up to my next FREE Online Mini-Masterclass to start your journey to a glowing pregnancy, a positive birth, and the best possible start to parenthood!